Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

20 Putty Commands

When deploying Code, you want to use putty for easy and fast filetransfer.

1. To show your current location pwd
2. To find out which user you are: whoami
3. To display current server date and time: date
4. To open the manual pages for commands: man
5. quit or exit an application: q

6. To list folders or directories use: “ls” or “dir”
7. To make a directory: mkdir
8. To change directories: “cd /path/to/your/directory”
9. To delete a directory: “rm -rf directoryname”
10. To change up one directory: “cd ..” (two directories: “cd ../..”)

11. To Copy a file with: cp
12. To move a file, also used to rename files: mv
13. To remove a file: rm
14. To upload a file: “wget”
15. To delete a file: “rm filename”
16. To unzip a zip file: “unzip filename”
17. To unzip a tar.gz file: “tar -xvzf filename”
18. To zip a file or folder, in this case called foo: “zip foo.html” or “zip -r foo/”
19. To transfer one server to another or one site to another: wget”

System specific commands:
20. commands are distribution specific, such as apt in Debian: apt-get install

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